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  • Vilas D., Buszowski J., Sagarese S., Steenbeek J., Siders Z., Chagaris D. (in review). Evaluating red tide effects on the West Florida Shelf using a spatiotemporal ecosystem modeling framework. Scientific Reports.

  • Vilas D., Fletcher R., Siders Z., Chagaris D. (in press). Understanding the temporal dynamics of estimated environmental niche hypervolumes for marine fishes. Ecology and Evolution.

  • Piroddi C., Coll M., Macias D., Steenbeek J., Garcia-Gorriz E., Mannini A., Vilas D., Christensen V. (2022). Modelling the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem at high spatial resolution to inform the ecosystem-based management in the region. Scientific Reports,12, 19680.


  • Vilas D., Chagaris D., Buczkowski J. (2021) Red tide mortality on gag grouper from 2002-2018 generated by an Ecospace model of the West Florida Shelf. Southeast Data Assessment and Review (SEDAR), North Charleston, S.C.

  • Vilas D., Coll M., Corrales X., Steenbeek J., Piroddi C., Macias D., Ligas A., Sartor P., Claudet J. (2021) Current and potential contributions of the Gulf of Lion Fisheries Restricted Area to fisheries sustainability in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Policy, 123, 104296.

  • Vilas D., Coll M., Pedersen T., Corrales X., Filbee-Dexter K., Wernberg T. (2021) Future trajectories of change for an Arctic deep-sea ecosystem connected to coastal kelp forests. Restoration Ecology, e13327.

  • Lloret-Lloret E., Pennino M. G., Vilas D., Bellido J. M., Navarro J., Coll M. (2021) Main drivers of seasonal change in biomass distribution of commercial species from the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 164, 105227.

  • Ramirez-Llodra E., Pedersen T., Filbee Dexter K., Hauquier F., Guilini K., Mikkelsen N., Borgersen G., Van Gyseghem M., Vanreusel A., Vilas D. (2021) Community structure of deep fjord and shelf benthic fauna receiving different detrital kelp inputs in northern Norway. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 168, 103433.


  • Vilas D., Coll M., Pedersen T., Corrales X., Filbee-Dexter K., Pedersen M. F., Norderhaug K. M., Fredriksen S., Wernberg T., Ramírez-Llodra E. (2020) Kelp-carbon uptake by Arctic deep-sea food webs plays a noticeable role in maintaining ecosystem structural and functional traits. Journal of Marine Systems, 203, 103268.

  • Vilas D., Corrales X., Piroddi C., Steenbeek J., Claudet J., Lloret J., Calò A., Di Franco A., Font T., Ligas A., Prato G., Sahyoun R., Sartor P., Guidetti P., Coll M. (2020). The effects of marine protected areas on ecosystem recovery and fisheries using a comparative modelling approach. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems, 30

  • Corrales X., Vilas D., Piroddi C., Steenbeek J., Claudet J., Lloret J., Calò A., Di Franco A., Font T., Ligas A., Prato G., Sahyoun R., Sartor P., Guidetti P., Coll M. (2020). Multi-zone marine protected areas: Assessment of ecosystem and fisheries benefits using multiple ecosystem models. Ocean & Coastal Management, 193, 105232.

  • Vilas D., Pennino M. G., Bellido J. M., Navarro J., Palomera I., Coll M. (2020) Seasonality of spatial patterns of abundance, biomass and biodiversity in a demersal community from the NW Mediterranean Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 567-580.

  • Lloret, J., Biton-Porsmoguer, S., Carreño, A., Di Franco, A., Sahyoun, R., Melià, P., Claudet J., Sève C., Ligas A., Belharet M., Calò A., Carbonara P., Coll M., Corrales X., Lembo G., Sartor P., Bitetto I., Vilas D., Piroddi C., Prato G., Charbonnel E., Bretton O., Hartmann V., Prats L., Font T. (2020). Recreational and small-scale fisheries may pose a threat to vulnerable species in coastal and offshore waters of the western Mediterranean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz071.

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